Signing ceremony for cooperation in forest landscape restoration
Date : 2023-01-19 10:00:00
Thursday 19 January 2023 at 10:00 a.m. , Department of Land Development by Mr. Satira Udomsri, Director of the Soil Survey and Soil Resources Research Division. which was assigned by Mr. Pramote Yajai, Director-General of the Land Development Department Participated in the signing ceremony of the draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the research project on Improving local community livelihoods and engagement in sustainable forest and land management in Thailand through Forest Landscape Restoration in collaboration with the AFoCO Secretariat and the Royal Forest Department, with Mr. Pramote Yamkli. Land degradation management expert along with officials from the Land Development Department Participated in witnessing the ceremony at Novotel Siam Bangkok Hotel. Signing the draft memorandum of understanding this time, the Land Development Department A Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be established and a Project Inception Meeting will be held to support and mark the official start of the project.